LG IP camera provides better surveillance, thanks to its higher resolution image quality. The XDI ISP is engineered to complement the IP in image quality through megapixel technology.
Compared to the MPEG4, the advanced video compression H.264 is capable of providing high quality images without loss at substantially lower bit rates. The H.264 provides compression that is 89-34% higher than that of the MPEG4.
In dark environment, brighter and ghost free images can be obtained by using higher AGC and Image Synthesis Technology.
Color mode is set in daytime and automatically swiches to black and white mode at night to monitor dark indoor space with optimal picture quality.
The LG Video Management System is an IP-Surveillance software that works with the LG Video Server and LG IP cameras to provide video monitoring, recording setting and event management functions.
The network security system is implemented by mobile application enabling remote control and monitoring.